€ 18.00 (+IVA)

Hairdresser Accessories
Don't call it a bigodino
Create the movement that wasn't there
A tool of great professionalism: thanks to its design with different diameters' it allows to obtain unpublished undulations and folds in an infinite combination of movements.
It is used with traditional spiral winding' but thanks to its structure the result is unique: new movements of various volumes for an extremely natural result.
Available in types: MULTIWAVE 3d and MULTIVAVE 2d.
The "A – B – C" sectors of MULTIWAVE 3d and the "A – B" sectors of MULTIWAVE 2d are significantly different from each other. It is possible to wrap the hair several times on each sector by diversifying the number of windings between sectors according to the desired effect' passing through the exchange zone. The wide hole structure allows for faster drying in the folding service and a perfect passage of the undulation liquorice and neutralizing liquid.
Professional tool for Hairstylists' offers 2 services at the same time, giving an infinite possibility of creative combinations.
- UNDULATIONS:with Multiwave they will be extremely natural' more creative and more lasting over time. Multiwave allows better saturation with a little product waste thanks to the innovative spiral winding. On long hair it is finally possible to obtain a soft but at the same time lasting undulation thanks to the alternating winding on the smaller sectors. Thanks to the edges placed on the sides of each sector of MULTI¬WAVE' in the undulation service it is possible to avoid the use of directionals' because the elastic does not have contact with the hair.
- FOLDS:Multiwave allows extremely natural drying and an ot¬titization of the construction time' thanks to the pre-drying technique and the help of a suitable product. It guarantees constant and quality results and thanks to its innovative structure' allows you to work faster without using the map
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